Client: The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania, 2014, 2015, 2020
In the European Union and other countries of the world, and in recent years in Lithuania too, a lot of attention has been paid to the definition of the quality of life of the society and how to measure changes in the quality of life. At the time when the Eurostat quality of life model was created and the set of quality of life indicators was developed in the EU, the assessments were carried out in Lithuania, aiming to measure the impact of EU funds investments on the quality of life in the country, its municipalities and regions.
During the Assessment of the impact of EU structural assistance on quality of life, social exclusion and poverty reduction in Lithuania (2014), ESTEP experts have compiled a quality of life index to measure changes in the quality of life in the country and calculated the values of the index for 2007-2012. In June 2016, at the European Evaluators’ Conference, the European Commission’s Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy has awarded this evaluation as the most significant national impact assessment carried out in the field of Cohesion Policy.
When carrying on the Assessment of the impact of EU structural assistance on Lithuanian cities and towns (2015), ESTEP researchers have applied the state-level index of quality of life to measure changes in the quality of life at the municipal level.
In 2020, for the Ministry of Finance ESTEP is preparing a quality of life growth model, which will help to quantify and forecast the impact of the amount and structure of state revenue and expenditure according to the functional and economic classification on the main quality of life indicators in Lithuania. It is planned that the developed model will consist of two modelling tools: a macro-econometric model and a microsimulation model.