Client: The Employment Services, 2018/10 – 2020/10
This project developed a system for monitoring and evaluating active labour market policy (ALMP) measures and the sustainability of employment mediation and recruitment. During the provision of the services, an analysis of the data available to the Employment Services was performed in order to assess the quality and sufficiency of the data stored in the Employment Services information system for monitoring and evaluation of ALMP measures and employment sustainability. The evaluation has also analysed the ALMP measures, labour market services and their combinations applied by the Employment Services. The project developed a concept for a monitoring and evaluation system for ALMPs and the sustainability of employment based on counterfactual impact assessment methods, and performed an impact assessment of ALMPs using counterfactual impact assessment methods (assessed the net impact of ALMPs applied in 2017 at micro and macro level). The evaluation led to the development of a methodology for the monitoring and evaluation system of the ALMP measures and the sustainability of employment, and delivered training for the staff of the Employment Services to enable them to apply this methodology independently.